31 days with SQL Server Management Studio

Una interessante panoramica sulle funzionalità del SQL Server Management Studio scritta da Russ Thomas.

Day 1:    Knowing Options Leads to Shortcuts
Day 2:    Query Like a Pro
Day 3:    Query Like a Boss
Day 4:    Query Like a God
Day 5:    Generating Scripts (pre-written code 1)
Day 6:    Leveraging Templates (pre-written code 2)
Day 7:    Leveraging Snippets (pre-written code 3)
Day 8:    Debugging T-SQL with SSMS
Day 9:    Team Debugging with SSMS
Day 10:  Remote Debugging with SSMS
Day 11:  Working With Designers
Day 12:  Modifying Toolbars
Day 13:  Customizing Connections
Day 14:  Registered Servers / Server Groups
Day 15:  Central Management Server
Day 16:  Monitoring with SSMS
Day 17:  SSMS and SQL Utility
Day 18:  SSMS and MDW
Day 19:  SSMS and Extended Events
Day 20:  SSMS Solutions, Projects, Source Control
Day 21:  SSMS and DacPac
Day 22:  SSMS and ETL (import / export wizard)
Day 23:  Get Fancy with Results
Day 24:  SSMS in SQLCMD Mode
Day 25:  Database Diagraming
Day 26:  Maintenance Plans
Day 27:  Building a Custom Add-In / Extension
Day 28:  Deploying the Add-In
Day 29:  Identifying Options & Debugging Add-In
Day 30:  Moving from Add-In to VSPackage
Day 31:  Wrap Up / Review / Stuff I Didn’t Cover

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